Selasa, 09 November 2010
Edisi Curcol
Masa nemuin aku aja kudu pake aku ngambek dulu. Kudu dipaksa-paksa dulu. Pengen deh tanpa dia disuruh-suruh tau-tau dia nongol didepan rumah :(
Terserah deh mau dibilang "ababil", tapi ini fakta...pulang ke jogja jarang, sekalina pulang jarang juga ketemu :'(
Ato kalo pas pergi sama temen-temenna, aku diajakin kek.. :'(
Sedih cuma dipendem aja.. :(
Ini curhat g penting. Abaikan saja.
Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010
Sebelumnya aku uda janji g akan cerita tentang cowo disini, tapi g tau kenapa aku pengen cerita aja sekarang,, aku lagi sedih bee,,bingung mau mulai cerita darimana bee, ini berawal waktu kemaren aku nulis sesuatu di salah satu jejaring social, aku nulis gini bee
Q: “Porsi buatQ g pernah seimbang! Wajar donk Q iri! Wajar donk Q sebel!”
Q: “Ngerasa g dianggep. Kapan sii bisa berubah?? Sadar donk!”
Terus direplay sama cowo aku bee
Dia: “zzzz…sadar dong,,ngliat kondisi disini kayak apa,,jangan asal ngomong aja..!!”
Q: “Hahhah Q sadar sesadar-sadarna..situ aja yang g bisa adil..paling-paling bis ne bilang males lagi =.=”
Dia: “adil?? Kuliahku jauh jauh lebih pentingdaripada ngurusin orang mewek..!!”
Sumpah bee..aku g nyangka dia bilang kaya gitu ke aku..jahat g sii bee?? Lagi-lagi aku nangis waktu baca itu, g nyangka aja cowo aku sendiri bee bilang kaya gitu..kuharap dia sadar dengan apa yang dia katakan ke aku bee,,aku juga berharap dia ada niat buat minta maaf ke aku karna uda bilang kaya gitu ke aku..tapi ternyata enggak bee..sampai hari ini pun mungkin dia g sadar uda bikin aku nangis karna ucapannya itu..sumpah ya bee, aku sediiihh banget, Kenapa dia selalu bikin aku nangis?? Kenapa dia selalu nyakitin aku bee?? Apa salahku bee?? Aku cape nangis bee,,,aku pengen hatiku damai bee..
Kamu tau bee, kemaren aku certain ini ke sahabat aku, dan dia pun kaget denger cerita aku, dia bilang gini
Sahabatku: “kejam banget cy! Sesibuk-sibuknya aku kuliah, aku g pernah bilang kaya gitu ke vanny!”
Dan aku pun tambah nangis bee..sahabatku aja bilang itu kejam, padahal dia cowo..ya ampun..aku g kuat lagi bee, airmataku langsung tumpah-ruah menganak sungai..
Mulai hari itu juga aku janji sama sahabatku dan diriku sendiri bee, aku g mau lagi nangis buat hal yang sama sekali g penting! Aku g mau lagi buang-buang airmataku! Airmataku terlalu berharga bee untuk dibuang-buang!
Ngapain juga aku nangis! huhh! nyape-nyapein aja!! buang-buang energi!!
Aku cuma bisa berdoa semoga Tuhan kasi yang terbae buat dia (cowoku) bee..
Aku masih bisa hidup tanpa siapa pun!
Aku yakin bee..suatu hari nanti pasti ada seseorang yang tulus sayang dan cinta ke aku apa adanya diriku..
Seseorang yang bae, yang akan selalu ngejaga aku dimanapun dia berada, bikin aku selalu tersenyum, setia dan mau minjemin bahunya kapan aja waktu aku lagi sedih..
*Bee: panggilan sayang buat blogku ini..
Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010
hey boy
Hey boy..jangan selalu melihat keatas, lihatlah kebawah..
Hey boy..berpikirlah dengan hati, bukan EGO
Hey boy..berpikirlah sebelum bertindak, ”apakah aku benar melakukan ini???”
Hey boy..tanyakan pada dirimu, ”adakah yang tersakiti dengan tindakanku???”
Hey boy..tanyakan pada dirimu, ”bagaimana jika aku yang mengalaminya???”
Hey boy..pernahkah kamu bertanya ”ada apa dengan diriku hingga dia seperti itu??”
Hey boy..kamu terlalu angkuh!
*****NO OFFENSE*****
Minggu, 25 April 2010
tentang wanita
bukan berarti dia sedang mengeluarkan senjata terampuhnya
melainkan, justru dia sedang mengeluarkan senjata terakhirnya
ketika wanita menangis
bukan berarti dia tidak berusaha menahannya
melainkan dia sudah tidak mampu lagi untuk membendung airmatanya
ketika wanita menangis
bukan karena dia ingin terlihat lemah
melainkan dia sudah tidak sanggup berpura-pura kuat
Be very careful if you make a woman cry because God counts her tears. -Hebrew Saying
Every girl needs a best friend to make her smile when she feels like she'll never laugh again (real talk)
If u look inside a girl, u'll see how hard it is to stay strong when nothing is right & everything is wrong
Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010
being beautiful part 3
Looking, feeling and being beautiful are the themes of Dr. Oz's book YOU: Being Beautiful: The Owner's Manual to Inner and Outer Beauty. He wraps up his conversation about the book with co-authors Dr. Arthur Perry and Dr. Michael Roizen, and they talk about how your romantic relationships, career and happiness are all important parts of achieving inner and outer beauty.
Romantic Relationships
If you want to keep your relationship with your partner solid, Dr. Roizen says it's important to keep the physical attraction fresh and resolve problems that can harm your relationship, like financial stress. He offers advice that can help keep your love life beautiful:
* Recreate your romantic relationship often: "You really need to remake your marriage every seven years," Dr. Roizen says. During the first couple of years marriage, Dr. Roizen says the dopamine rush of physical attraction is at play, then, for the next few years, the "cuddling hormone" oxytocin takes over. By the seventh year of marriage, Dr. Roizen says the rush of hormones dies down and you need to renew your relationship and make it romantic and exciting again.
* Talk about finances with your partner: According to Dr. Roizen, about half of all divorces are caused by financial problems. Those problems can also age you by as many as eight years, Dr. Oz says. Saving 10 percent of your paycheck in an emergency account can help give you piece of mind, relieve stress and may save your marriage, Dr. Roizen says.
Career Success
Doing what you love for a living and making your career a priority will help you stay happy, maintain your energy and continue being as beautiful as you can be, Dr. Oz says. Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz offer advice to help you improve your career and ultimately slow the aging process:
* Pick a career you are passionate about: "Pick your job for the passion, not the paycheck," Dr. Roizen says. "The more you are passionate about it, the better you will often get rewarded."
* Improve your work environment: Plants and greenery in your office help improve your productivity, Dr. Roizen says. Also, set your thermostat to 72 degrees—it's most efficient temperature to work at, Dr. Oz says. Opening windows will improve the air quality in your office too.
* Don't retire: "Retiring ages you about eight years," Dr. Roizen says. "In fact, a lot of people will die in their first couple of years after retirement because they don't have a passion in life. So, even if you hang it up in the sense of not earning money from it, find another passion and transition to that."
Pain Management
Pain is a major problem that strips away the vitality of many Americans, Dr. Oz says. "Feeling beautiful, to a lot of people, is about avoiding pain," Dr. Oz says. Dr. Roizen, who is the head of the Pain Management Center at the Cleveland Clinic, offers insight into chronic pain and common pain management.
* How chronic pain develops: "Chronic pain sets up what we call a positive feedback loop, that is, a little more pain gets to be a little more pain and [builds] until it gets both chronic and worse, so you have to break the cycle at least every three weeks or else it builds and builds and gets permanently ensconced in your system so you will always have pain, so you have to break it," Dr. Roizen says.
* How to break the cycle of pain: "Don't be afraid of taking enough medicine, getting enough shots, doing whatever it takes to absolutely break the cycle periodically, so that you don't get this windup or positive feedback loop," Dr. Roizen says.
* Back pain: Back pain, especially lower back pain, is very common, and Dr. Roizen says medication, injections, massage, acupuncture and chiropractic care are helpful when recovering from it. Also, he says putting ice on your back for 20 minutes at a time, three times a day, cools the inflammation in your back and brings blood flow to the painful spot and helps quicken recovery too.
* Stay active: Dr. Roizen says when you are inactive, you lose muscle mass and that means it takes longer to recover from back and other pain.
Happiness and Inner Beauty
Your overall happiness, with every aspect of your life, may be determined by how beautiful you feel on the inside and out, Dr. Oz says. You can determine how happy you are with yourself by taking The You-Q Test . It is a series of questions that allow you to figure out how beautiful you perceive your body to be on the outside and on the inside, Dr. Oz says.
Dr. Oz also shares six paths to happiness:
* Be positive and generous
* Feel empathy
* Find authenticity
* Embrace emotion
* Explore spirituality
* Understand unhappiness
being beautiful part 2
Being beautiful has its benefits, and Dr. Oz says that is one of the reasons he wrote YOU: Being Beautiful: The Owner's Manual to Inner and Outer Beauty . "People who are beautiful do better in life," Dr. Oz says. "They are perceived to be more competent, they are perceived to be more fun, they get paid more, their relationships seem to succeed more—and by large margins they do better."
Oral Hygiene
Diseases caused by lack of proper oral hygiene can not only change the way you look, they can also cause health problems like heart disease, stroke, memory loss, impotence and wrinkles of the skin, Dr. Roizen says. Dr. Oz, Dr. Roizen and Dr. Perry share advice on what you can do to protect your teeth and keep your mouth beautiful and healthy:
* Brush your teeth twice a day: Spend a full two minutes brushing your teeth, with the brush angled into the gums, Dr. Roizen says.
* Floss once a day: If you don't floss, you miss cleaning about 40 percent of each tooth, which can lead to tooth decay, Dr. Roizen says.
* Whiten teeth naturally: If you whiten your teeth with at-home products, Dr. Perry says you should talk with your dentist because you can damage tooth enamel by overbleaching teeth. Apples and celery help whiten your teeth naturally, and Dr. Roizen says vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and lettuce create a film over your teeth that also help prevent staining.
* Fight bad breath: A lot of people have bad breath and don't know it because Dr. Oz says it is difficult to smell your own breath. "Breathe into the face of someone you trust and ask, 'Is my breath acceptable to you?'" Dr. Oz says. If your breath is bad, use a tongue scraper to remove some of the bacteria that causes the smell and talk with your dentist about other remedies.
* Stop grinding your teeth: Talk to your dentist about wearing a mouth guard at night if you grind your teeth, Dr. Oz says. Grinding your teeth can be a sign of stress, and if you continue doing it, you can wear down your teeth and actually widen your face, Dr. Perry says. "The [muscle under the jaw] enlarges when we grind our teeth and when we go to sleep at night,” he says.
* Protect your lips: Dr. Perry suggests wearing a lip balm or lip gloss made with sunscreen year-round. Lips can get sunburned in the winter just as easily as in the summer, and that can lead to skin cancer, he says. Also, Dr. Perry says you should choose a lip gloss or balm made with beeswax.
Hand and Foot Care
Going to the salon to get a manicure or pedicure isn't the only way to make your fingernails and toenails look beautiful, Dr. Oz says. In fact, it may even be safer to groom them at home, as not all salons properly sterilize instruments, he says. If you want to keep your hands and feet feeling good and looking beautiful, try these tips:
* Bring your own nailcare instruments to a salon: "If you can bring your own instruments, invest in the $30—that is all it costs for your own instruments—so you are not sharing the viruses others have," Dr. Perry says.
* Get rid of toenail fungus: About 15 percent of people have problems with their toenails, including fungal infections, Dr. Oz says. Once you have a fungal infection in your toenail, Dr. Perry says it is difficult to get rid of. There are some topical and oral medications that can be prescribed to get rid of the fungus, but Dr. Perry says he prefers to remove the toenail instead. "Some people think it is radical, but if we can numb up the toenail and remove it, we can get rid of the fungus," Dr. Perry says. It can take six to 12 months for the toenail to grow back.
* Try reflexology on your feet: "There are parts of brain that are influenced when you massage the foot on somebody that are right next to the erogenous centers of the brain," Dr. Oz says. Your spine, internal organs, sinus and shoulders can all benefit from a great foot massage, and Dr. Oz says it is good foreplay to sex.
Body Shape
Whether you were born shaped like an apple, pear or hourglass, you can always tweak your shape a bit to improve your looks, Dr. Oz and Dr. Perry say. They share advice on things you can do to change your body shape:
* Breast augmentation: Most women who want breast implants have small breasts and desire average-size breasts, Dr. Perry says. If a plastic surgeon recommends going to a larger-than-average-size implant, you should question his judgment, Dr. Perry says. "When we put large, basically silicone plastic items in our body, as we age—and it occurs very quickly—our breasts will droop. So, when you droop and you have something like a glob of silicone in your body, you are going to see ripples, you are going to see an unshapely breast," he says.
* Work out and eat right: "Part of the whole beauty story is staying in shape, having the muscle mass you need to burn off the calories," Dr. Oz says. Working out 20 minutes a day, three times a week will help you stay in shape, Dr. Oz says. If you work out, eat right and still gain weight, a medication you are on or an undiagnosed disease could be the culprit, and you should talk about the issue with your doctor, Dr. Roizen says.
When your energy level drops, it can be difficult to feel good and look good. Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen talk about reasons your energy may be low:
* Lack of sleep: Getting eight hours of sleep at night will help your body look good and function better. "Prepare for sleep," Dr. Roizen says. "Remember, only sex and sleep in the bedroom—get the computer and TV out of there."
* Thyroid problems: Thyroid disease can zap your energy, make you gain weight and move much slower. Dr. Roizen says 5 percent of men and 15 percent of women over the age of 60 have hypothyroidism, and when caught, it can be treated effectively. He says people as young as 35 commonly have thyroid problems and should have their thyroid hormone checked if they're experiencing energy loss.
being beautiful part 1
Looking, feeling and being beautiful are goals any woman can reach, Dr. Oz says. In his book YOU: Being Beautiful: The Owner's Manual to Inner and Outer Beauty, Dr. Oz shares insight on why beauty has been an important part of human evolution. "Beauty is not some issue of vanity—beauty is hardwired into us," Dr. Oz says. "Our ancestors didn't have the access to blood tests and DNA profiles and MRI scans. They had to decide, in a quarter of the time, if you were a suitable mate for them—they looked for beauty. Beauty reflects health and, equally important, your ability to procreate."
Dr. Oz and co-author Dr. Arthur Perry talk about skincare, hair and plastic surgery, three topics featured in YOU: Being Beautiful, and about how each may help improve your looks, health and happiness.
Everyday Skincare
Your skin is your largest organ—it weighs more than any other organ in the body. Dr. Perry explains two important layers of your skin:
* Epidermis: This is the outer layer of skin, and it keeps toxins and water out of your body and acts as a barrier against the environment.
* Dermis: This is the layer of skin under the epidermis. Dr. Perry says it is our "leather" and holds the structure of our skin together.
These are two common skin problems Dr. Perry says many people suffer that can be prevented:
* Sensitive skin/eczema: Most people who suffer from sensitive skin are allergic to an ingredient in something they are putting on their body, Dr. Perry says. Fourteen percent of the population is allergic to fragrance and preservatives that can be found in soap, laundry detergent, shampoo, fingernail polish and many other products, he says. "Stop and take an inventory of what [you] are putting on [your] skin and try to reverse some of the allergens," Dr. Perry says.
* Acne: "The combination of clogged pores, the oils in our skin and bacteria can cause acne," Dr. Perry says. Exfoliating will get rid of the dead layer of skin that can clog pores, and a simple soap, with no fragrance or preservatives, cleanses the skin, also helping to prevent acne, Dr. Perry says.
If you want to keep your skin, especially the skin on your face, as healthy and beautiful as possible, Dr. Perry says you should follow a daily skincare program with these four steps:
* Use a simple soap: "Go to a soap that has almost nothing in it. One of my favorites is Kiss Your Face Soap. It has olive oil, water and salt—that's it, nothing else," Dr. Perry says.
* Exfoliate: Getting rid of the dead layer of skin growing on your face will keep your skin looking good and healthy and decrease acne. "It can be done as simple as [washing with] a washcloth and soap; it doesn't have to be fancy," Dr. Perry says.
* Use Vitamin A cream: Apply the cream in the evening, let it dry and wear it to bed, Dr. Perry says. "Vitamin A [also known as Retinol-A] is a wonderful drug," Dr. Perry says. "It is really the only thing that can reverse some of the signs of aging—other things kind of hold it at bay. It is a first-line drug for acne because it decreases oil production in the skin; it decreases that dead layer of cells on that the surface of the skin and it fades brown spots."
* Sunscreen in the morning: If you are going to buy just one skincare product, make it a sunscreen, with at least an SPF 15, Dr. Perry says. "The number one determinate of our aging, other than our genes—and if you smoke, of course it is all out the window—is sun exposure." Dr. Perry says. "Ultraviolet light will prematurely age our skin." Also, make sure the sunscreen contains titanium or zinc oxide, because otherwise Dr. Perry says it will be absorbed into your skin, and that may be dangerous.
Removing Unwanted Hair
Some women have dark hair above the lip or under the chin that they wax, tweeze or thread every few weeks. While unwanted hair is a common complaint, if it becomes a thick beard that covers a woman's face, it could signal a serious condition such as polycystic ovary disease, and she should see an endocrinologist immediately, Dr. Perry says.
For those women who want to remove the hair permanently, Dr. Perry says laser hair removal is the best solution—but it may not work for people with very light hair or very dark skin. "The laser is just a tool, and it needs to see dark hair, and it does it best by looking at a contrast between the dark hair and light skin," he says. "If the hairs turn white, I can't get it with a laser, and that is when we go to electrolysis."
Depilatories physically dissolve hair, and while Dr. Perry says they work, they must be repeated frequently and are known irritants to many people's skin.
how to identify depression??
This is a major depressive episode longer than two weeks with at least five of the seven following symptoms:
- sleep alteration
- decreased interest in activities
- feelings of guilt
- decreased energy
- difficulty concentrating
- alteration in appetite
- thoughts of suicide
Situational Depression
Greater than two months with the above symptoms after suffering a significant life change, such as bereavement or retirement. Significantly, your symptoms improve with time after the major event, so most therapists feel that your long-term functioning is better if you can manage to get though this without drugs.
Vascular Depression
Depression that commonly occurs after a brain or blood-vessel disorder, such as a stroke, or after a heart attack or heart surgery. Patients with lesions in the left hemisphere of the brain, especially of the left prefrontal cortex, tend to have increased frequency and severity of depression. The greatest risk period of depression following a stroke appears to be the first two years afterward, peaking within the first three to six months.
More warning signs of depression
Montel Williams speaks out about his suicide attempts
atau lihat di
Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010
kumpulan puisi
* * *
I wrote your name in the sky
But the wind blew it away
I wrote your name in the sand
But the wave washed away
I wrote your name in my heart
And forever it will stay
* * *
Miss me or hate me??
Both are in my favor
If you miss me
I’ll always in your heart
If you hate me
I’ll always be in your mind
* * *
When it’s rains
You don’t see the sun
But it’s there..
Hope we can be like that
We don’t always see each other..
But we will always be there for one other
* * *
We’re not too close in distance
We’re not too near in miles
But text can still touch our hearts
And thoughts can bring us smiles
* * *
I would write on all the bricks “I miss you”
And hope that one falls on your head
So you know how it’s hurts
To miss someone special like you
* * *
My day maybe hectic
My schedule maybe tight
But I would never let the day end
Without saying good night
* * *
Good morning…
I mean good evening
I mean good night
I think.. time is not important
I just want to say that I MISS YOU…
* * *
See outside the window
Sun rising for you
Flowers smiling at you
Birds singing for you
Because last night…
I told them to wish you good morning…
* * *
When night are long
And friends are few
I sit by my window and think of you
A silent wispher
A silent tear
With all my heart
I wish you were here…
* * *
Lonesome without you
Each and every moments
When I’m alone
I close my eyes and thinking of you
And thought of your love wars me inside
And makes me smile
Miss you…
* * *
Whenever I miss you
Stars falls down from the sky
So anyday
If you find the sky empty
Don’t blame me
It’s your fault…
You make me miss you so much..
* * *
Look at the sun and you see time
Look in heart and you see love
Look in eyes and you see life
Look at your handphone..
And you see who’s thinking of you…
It’s me…
* * *
I’m a paper
You can write your feelings
Scribble your anger
Use me to absorb tears
Don’t throw me after use
But when you feel cold
Burn me to feel warm
Cause I LOVE YOU..
* * *
You are like the sunshine so warm
You are like you..
And that’s the reason why I Love You…
* * *
May you begin this day with a smile on your face
And with happiness for your soul to embrace
Good morning my love…
* * *
Never ask for a kiss
Just take it
Never give a hug
Ask for it
Never ask do you love me??
First say I Luv You
Never say can’t live without you
Say I live for you
* * *
As day go by
My feelings get stronger to be in your arms
I can’t wait any longer
Look into my eyes
And you’ll see that it’s true
Day and night my thought are you
* * *
I have no regrets
I will never regret loving you
Because the feeling of love for minutes
Is greater than an eternity of hurt
* * *
Don’t count what you have lost
Just see what you have now
Because past never comes back
But sometimes future can give you back your lost things
* * *
I have hands
But can’t always help you
I have ears
But can’t always listen to you
I have mouth
But can’t always talking to you
But I have heart that always pray to you…
* * *
If you live to be 100 years
I want to love to be 100 years minus one day
So..i never have to live without you..
* * *
Every tear is a sign of brokenness
Every silence is sign of kindness
Every sms is sign of rememberance
Miss you always
* * *
I feel something on my heart
It’s like a little flame
Everytime I see you
This flame lights up
This flame is special for you
Because I love you
* * *
A candle may melt
And it’s fire may die
But the love you have given to me will always stay
As a flame in my hearts
* * *
How long will you be special to me??
As long as the stars twinkle in the sky
As long as angels are there up high
Till the ocean run day
And till the day I die
* * *
Jumat, 15 Januari 2010
artikel ini tentang percakapan malaikat dengan Tuhan..saat Tuhan menciptakan makhulk-Nya yang diberi nama WANITA..
silahkan dibaca...
Ketika Tuhan menciptakan wanita, DIA lembur pada hari ke-enam.
Malaikat datang dan bertanya,”Mengapa begitu lama, Tuhan?”
Tuhan menjawab:“Sudahkan engkau lihat semua detail yang Saya buat untuk menciptakan mereka?"
“ 2 Tangan ini harus bisa dibersihkan, tetapi bahannya bukan dari plastik. Setidaknya terdiri dari 200 bagian yang bisa digerakkan dan berfungsi baik untuk segala jenis makanan. Mampu menjaga banyak anak saat yang bersamaan. Punya pelukan yang dapat menyembuhkan sakit hati dan keterpurukan… , dan semua dilakukannya cukup dengan dua tangan ini ”
Malaikat itu takjub.
“Hanya dengan dua tangan?....impossible!“
Dan itu model standard?!
“Sudahlah TUHAN, cukup dulu untuk hari ini, besok kita lanjutkan lagi untuk menyempurnakannya“.
Tuhan berkata :
“Oh.. Tidak, SAYA akan menyelesaikan ciptaan ini, karena ini adalah ciptaan favorit SAYA”.
“O yah… Dia juga akan mampu menyembuhkan dirinya sendiri, dan bisa bekerja 18 jam sehari”.
Malaikat mendekat dan mengamati bentuk wanita-ciptaan TUHAN itu.
“Tapi ENGKAU membuatnya begitu lembut TUHAN ?” “Yah.. SAYA membuatnya lembut. Tapi ENGKAU belum bisa bayangkan kekuatan yang SAYA berikan agar mereka dapat mengatasi banyak hal yang luar biasa.“
“Dia bisa berpikir?”, tanya malaikat.
Tuhan menjawab:
“Tidak hanya berpikir, dia mampu bernegosiasi."
Malaikat itu menyentuh dagunya....
“TUHAN, ENGKAU buat ciptaan ini kelihatan lelah & rapuh! Seolah terlalu banyak beban baginya.”
“Itu bukan lelah atau rapuh....itu air mata”, koreksi TUHAN
“Untuk apa?”, tanya malaikat
TUHAN melanjutkan:
“Air mata adalah salah satu cara dia mengekspressikan kegembiraan, kegalauan, cinta, kesepian, penderitaan dan kebanggaan.”
“Luar biasa, ENGKAU jenius TUHAN” kata malaikat.
“ENGKAU memikirkan segala sesuatunya, wanita- ciptaanMU ini akan sungguh menakjubkan!"
Ya mestii…!
Wanita ini akan mempunyai kekuatan mempesona laki-laki. Dia dapat mengatasi beban bahkan melebihi laki-laki.
Dia mampu menyimpan kebahagiaan dan pendapatnya sendiri.
Dia mampu tersenyum bahkan saat hatinya menjerit.
Mampu menyanyi saat menangis, menangis saat terharu, bahkan tertawa saat ketakutan.
Dia berkorban demi orang yang dicintainya.
Mampu berdiri melawan ketidakadilan.
Dia tidak menolak kalau melihat yang lebih baik.
Dia menerjunkan dirinya untuk keluarganya. Dia membawa temannya yang sakit untuk berobat.
Cintanya tanpa syarat.
Dia menangis saat melihat anaknya adalah pemenang.
Dia girang dan bersorak saat melihat kawannya tertawa.
Dia begitu bahagia mendengar kelahiran.
Hatinya begitu sedih mendengar berita sakit dan kematian.
Tetapi dia selalu punya kekuatan untuk mengatasi hidup.
Dia tahu bahwa sebuah ciuman dan pelukan dapat menyembuhkan luka.
Hanya ada satu hal yang kurang dari wanita:
Dia lupa betapa berharganya dia...
Senin, 11 Januari 2010
fenomena ujian vs internet
Nggak banyak yang akan aku bahas disini..hanya sedikit emm apa ya??? Komentar bukan..kritik juga bukan..(nahloh?!) akh nggak tau de..hehhee piss ^^v hmm..sekarang ini di universitas-universitas maupun sekolah-sekolah baru sibuk-sibuknya ada yang lagi Ujian Tengah Semester, Ujian Akhir Semester dan untuk anak sekolah lagi sibuk-sibuknya menyiapkan untuk Ujian Akhir Nasional. Tapi anehnya..bukan belajar yang jadi prioritas tapi malah maen..haduwh haduwh..miris sekali aku melihatnya..
Seperti yang aku temui di berbagai situs jejaringan social, kebanyakan entah itu yang sudah menjadi mahasiswa maupun yang masih menjadi siswa sama saja...bukannya belajar tapi malah keasyikan Online..ohh gosh..kebanyakan dari mereka bilang “aduh besok ujian tapi kok males ya mau belajar…online bentar akh..” ada juga yang belajar tapi disambi online, walah jaann….bukan materi yang dipelajari yang masuk tapi malah jadi keasyikan ngobrol via jejaring social..hahhhaha aku cuma ketawa-ketawa sendiri aja melihat fenomena seperti ini..:D biasanya sih alasannya simple aja..”akh bosen belajar..pusing..dari tadi dibaca, dibolak-balik kok nggak ngerti juga ya???refreshing bentar de..” eh tapinya malah keterusan..wkwkwkwk :D
Memang jaman sekarang tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi luar biasa dahsyatnya internet karena telah menyuguhkan berbagai macam kebutuhan si pengguna..dari mulai hiburan, info kesehatan, berita dalam negeri maupun luar negeri, trend-trend tekhnologi dan lain sebagainya yang semua itu bisa di akses dengan mudah baik melalui PC maupun Handphone yang tentunya sudah dibekali dengan kemampuan browser.
Aku pun juga tidak munafik dengan dahsyatnya si internet ini..apalagi situs jejaring sosialnya. Karena aku juga pernah mengalami hal serupa. Dulu..(aduwh kok kayanya udah tua sekali ya??) hehhee maksudnya beberapa semester yang lalu ketika aku masih berstatus menjadi mahasiswa, aku tidak tergolong anak yang pintar tapi juga tidak bodoh, aku anak dengan kemampuan otak yang pas-pasan saja tapi selalu berusaha untuk bisa jadi yang terbaik dari yang baik. Dari kecil aku tidak pernah mendapat hasil yang mengecewakan, semua yang aku dapat selalu sesuai dengan yang aku harapkan, karena aku ingin memberikan yang terbaik yang bisa aku berikan. Hingga akhirnya sampailah dimana aku mengenal internet dan mengenal situs jejaring sosial, setiap hari, setiap menit, setiap detik selalu eksis didalamnya nggak ingin sedikitpun ketinggalan berita yang ada disana..bahkan aku sempat mendapat predikat ”Ratu Chatting” wkwkwkwkwkwk ya Tuhan....bener-bener kelakuaaaaaaaaaan...:Dv iyah..”ratu chatting” hmm karena kelakuan inilah aku juga sempat menyesal...bener-bener menyesal...kenapa??? karena, seperti orang-orang umumnya, waktu yang sebenarnya harus aku pakai untuk belajar tetapi malah aku pergunakan untuk eksis di situs itu!! Hwah!! Seperti yang sudah aku katakan diatas kalau aku tidak pernah mendapat hasil yang mengecewakan, tapi di salah satu semester kuliahku dan karena kebodohanku juga..alhasil aku bener-bener dipermalukan oleh diriku sendiri!! Setiap semester nilai-nilaiku selalu naik,dan tiba-tiba pada semester kelimaku, aku bener-bener SYOK!!! Tuhan...nilai-nilaiku TERJUN BEBAS!!!! TIDAAAAK!!!!! Menyesal sungguh menyesal hmm..apalagi yang bisa aku perbuat kecuali cuma menangis sejadi-jadinya dipojok kamar.huekz. Bukan hanya malu pada diriku sendiri, tapi aku juga malu pada orangtuaku..teman-temanku. Aku yang tidak pernah mendapat hasil yang buruk tiba-tiba muncul nilai yang teramat sangat memalukan!! Terjun bebas!! Mau berangkat ke kampus lagi pun rasanya maaaaluuu sekaliiiii..bener-bener HDR banget (Harga Diri Rendah). Mau ditaruh mana mukaku ini???? T_T
Karena nggak mau larut-larut dalam penyesalan, dari sini aku sadar, aku bangun dari tidur, dan aku mulai bangkit kembali, aku kumpulkan semangat baru serta ambisi baru. Aku membalas dendam pada semester berikutnya (karena sudah memasuki semester akhir). Perlahan-lahan aku tinggalkan kebiasaan burukku itu, memang awalnya sangat sulit untuk merubah kebiasaan yang sudah mengakar, tapi karena niat, tekad serta ambisiku akhirnya aku pun bisa meninggalkan kebiasaan yang merugikan itu 100%. Aku membuat strategi baru dalam caraku belajar. Usahaku pun nggak sia-sia...di semester akhir ini aku bisa mengibarkan kembali nilai-nilaiku yang pada semester lalu terjun bebas. Aku mendapatkan hasil yang WWAAAWWW unbelievable..dari terjun bebas, bisa terbang lagi sangat tinggi..bahagia sekali rasanya ^^ walaupun pada ujian komprehensif aku cuma bisa berbangga dengan hasil yang standar..tidak sebagus nilai-nilai setiap semesterku...jadi hasil nilai komulatif akhirku juga hanya standar saja..hufp. tapi tetep bersyukur lah karena mendapat nilai 3 walau angka yang mengikuti dibelakangnya tidak terlalu besar...ckikikiki ^^v seandainya nilai semester akhirku jadi nilai komulatif akhir...pasti kemaren waktu wisuda, aku bisa membawa ayahku untuk maju, naik ke atas podium...hehhheehe (nyengir) ^^v
Ini sedikit pengalaman pahit dariku...semoga bermanfaat buat teman-teman semua..bagunlah mulai dari sekarang, jangan sampai kita menyesal dikemudian hari karena kebodohan yang kita ciptakan sendiri..mumpung kita masih muda. Apa yang kita tanam itulah yang nantinya akan kita petik. So let’s change our behavior..boleh-boleh saja eksis di dunia maya, tidak ada yang melarangnya..tapi sekali lagi aku ingatkan jangan lupakan tugas belajar kita..^^ kasian orangtua kita yang sudah susah payah membiayai sekolah kita..bekerja dari pagi sampai malam hanya untuk mendapatkan beberapa rupiah untuk sekolah kita... Keep Fight guys!! Goodluck..and God Bless to all..^^