Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

kumpulan puisi

Hmm..hanya ingin sedikit mengenang puisi-puisi yang dulu selalu ia kirimkan untukku saat dimana setelah aku membuka mata di pagi hari dan sebelum menutup mata pada malam hari… here it is…

* * *
I wrote your name in the sky
But the wind blew it away
I wrote your name in the sand
But the wave washed away
I wrote your name in my heart
And forever it will stay

* * *
Miss me or hate me??
Both are in my favor
If you miss me
I’ll always in your heart
If you hate me
I’ll always be in your mind

* * *
When it’s rains
You don’t see the sun
But it’s there..
Hope we can be like that
We don’t always see each other..
But we will always be there for one other

* * *
We’re not too close in distance
We’re not too near in miles
But text can still touch our hearts
And thoughts can bring us smiles

* * *
I would write on all the bricks “I miss you”
And hope that one falls on your head
So you know how it’s hurts
To miss someone special like you

* * *
My day maybe hectic
My schedule maybe tight
But I would never let the day end
Without saying good night

* * *
Good morning…
I mean good evening
I mean good night
I think.. time is not important
I just want to say that I MISS YOU…

* * *
See outside the window
Sun rising for you
Flowers smiling at you
Birds singing for you
Because last night…
I told them to wish you good morning…

* * *
When night are long
And friends are few
I sit by my window and think of you
A silent wispher
A silent tear
With all my heart
I wish you were here…

* * *
Lonesome without you
Each and every moments
When I’m alone
I close my eyes and thinking of you
And thought of your love wars me inside
And makes me smile
Miss you…

* * *
Whenever I miss you
Stars falls down from the sky
So anyday
If you find the sky empty
Don’t blame me
It’s your fault…
You make me miss you so much..

* * *
Look at the sun and you see time
Look in heart and you see love
Look in eyes and you see life
Look at your handphone..
And you see who’s thinking of you…
It’s me…

* * *
I’m a paper
You can write your feelings
Scribble your anger
Use me to absorb tears
Don’t throw me after use
But when you feel cold
Burn me to feel warm
Cause I LOVE YOU..

* * *
You are like the sunshine so warm
You are like you..
And that’s the reason why I Love You…

* * *
May you begin this day with a smile on your face
And with happiness for your soul to embrace
Good morning my love…

* * *
Never ask for a kiss
Just take it
Never give a hug
Ask for it
Never ask do you love me??
First say I Luv You
Never say can’t live without you
Say I live for you

* * *
As day go by
My feelings get stronger to be in your arms
I can’t wait any longer
Look into my eyes
And you’ll see that it’s true
Day and night my thought are you

* * *
I have no regrets
I will never regret loving you
Because the feeling of love for minutes
Is greater than an eternity of hurt

* * *
Don’t count what you have lost
Just see what you have now
Because past never comes back
But sometimes future can give you back your lost things

* * *
I have hands
But can’t always help you
I have ears
But can’t always listen to you
I have mouth
But can’t always talking to you
But I have heart that always pray to you…

* * *
If you live to be 100 years
I want to love to be 100 years minus one day
So..i never have to live without you..

* * *
Every tear is a sign of brokenness
Every silence is sign of kindness
Every sms is sign of rememberance
Miss you always

* * *
I feel something on my heart
It’s like a little flame
Everytime I see you
This flame lights up
This flame is special for you
Because I love you

* * *
A candle may melt
And it’s fire may die
But the love you have given to me will always stay
As a flame in my hearts

* * *
How long will you be special to me??
As long as the stars twinkle in the sky
As long as angels are there up high
Till the ocean run day
And till the day I die

* * *

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